At 06:53 PM 2/5/2019, you wrote:
Some years ago, Jay recommended a Genie Load Lifter to me (thank you!), and I was fortunate enough to get two of them as "new old stock" for about half price. They're relatively inexpensive and absolutely invaluable. Put a 200lb unit into the top of a full height rack? No problem. Shame I had to leave both behind when I left that employment (especially since they bought a third one but never used it)!
Pete Turnbull

Pete - That Genie Load Lifter gizmo looks great - and I wish I had one on Sunday when I was horsing those HP drives around.
They are not cheap - a used one on eBay for $600.

But, what is a back worth?


Jack in the Rocky Mountains.

Jack Harper, President
Secure Outcomes Inc
2942 Evergreen Parkway, Suite 300
Evergreen, Colorado 80439 USA

303.670.3750 (fax) for Product Info.

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