On 02/05/2019 07:36 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:
One would hope that the DEC KT11 diagnostic would check for this... but just
to be thorough, we have in fact written a short diagnostic which stores every
possible value in each UISA register and checks that it's correct. So unless
there is some sort of pattern sensitivity (e.g. when A is in UISAm and B is in
UISAn), that's not it.
The MMU has to have some adders in it. One adds the offset for the segment's beginning physical address to the supplied address from the CPU. The other compares the requested address against the limit (size) of the segment, to make sure it doesn't exceed the segment size. Either this adder or the comparator could be faulty. I'd guess the diagnostic tries a few patterns to test for gross failure of this circuitry, but since it involves memory on a system running a program, it may not be able to exhaustively test these adders and comparators.


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