Glad  to  Hear  Jay -  I guess the  timeshare systems  were about the only  
thing  I  ever  saw  those board  sets in.

ok~To  refile my  slightly  prior   message under   perhaps a better  title

I have  one  foot in each HP community   The  real production one and the  
Collection of  vintage HP Gear  one.

I have had no complaints about  Jesse    from the   people  the  do data 
processing  with HP machines and have always  found him to be  friendly and 
timely in responses.
This  goes  for  Cindy  as  well.
Be  nice  to our  dealer  friends  they  can  help you. Maybe  not  today  but  
 you  will need  assistance some day and it is good to have them there.
well darn it... be  nice to everyone. eh?
Ed Sharpe archivist  for SMECCIn a message dated 1/25/2019 10:36:09 AM US 
Mountain Standard Time, writes:
Kudos to Jesse for working with me offlist, I feel I've gotten a good deal. I 
appreciate the offers to help purchase, very much, but I got this taken care of 
directly with Jesse and I'm happy.
We have to understand, as others pointed out, that if no one speaks up for 
stuff at a price that can keep the parts houses in business then the parts 
won't be around. By the same token, the parts houses have to know we can't pay 
typical full price that corporations/military can. We must be willing to pay 
something above scrap value, of course.
I ask folks to keep an open mind and give Jesse a fair shake moving forward.

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