Hi Everyone,
The DiscFerret found a new home.
I did get some questions on its usefulness, which I would address here.
Indeed the software developed for it is limited to a driver and some
analytical tools. But it uses the same format for flux-intervals as the
CatWeasel, at different (higher) clock rates. So any open source
CatWeasel program is easy to adapt to the DiscFerret. Using the provided
MagPie dump program I managed to adapted Tim Mann's cw2dmk program for
the CatWeasel to dfi-files
(https://fjkraan.home.xs4all.nl/comp/divcomp/discferret/). Of course
this only does FM, MFM and variants (DEC and Intel), but demonstrate its
usefulness for archiving.
It is too bad production stopped and the writing image software never
BTW, reading floppy disk rate flux-changes can reliably be read with
modern ~100 MHz micro-controller. Several are commercial available.
AFAIK not open source.
Fred Jan