On 1/9/19 2:28 PM, Henk Gooijen via cctalk wrote: > > As far as I know about the 11/93 (or 11/94), all memory is on the CPU module. > The 11/9[3|4] is sort-of an 11/8[3|4] with all (PMI) memory on the CPU module > as the cache on the 8[3|4]. > > The 11/9[3|4] with 2 MB RAM can only be upgraded to 4 MB by adding RAM chips > on the CPU module. > However, all holes are filled with solder, so this upgrade is quite a lot of > work. >
I was beginning to suspect as much as my attempts got nowhere. My board has two empty spots with holes filled with solder. That is not really a problem as I have a professional solder sucker. :-) I assume these might have to do with addressing. Then there are four that I suspect are the memory chips and they are surface mount. Not so sure I want to delve into that as my eyes aren't what they used to be. I guess the first step would be to see if the chips are even available. bill