> On Jan 5, 2019, at 12:58 PM, Fritz Mueller <fri...@fritzm.org> wrote:
> I did get some MACRO CRC-16 sub-routines coded up last night while waiting 
> for various transfers, so I think I’ll go ahead and finish up the standalone 
> CRC dumper utility today.
> Lastly, a 5V-tolerant USB FIFO breakout board is supposed to show up in the 
> mails today.  If that works out as simply as I hope to interface with a 
> DR11-C, I should have a much better way to blast bits on and off the machine 
> soon.

Okay, finished up the standalone CRC utility, and verified (to very long odds) 
byte identical contents between reading the physical pack on the machine and 
reading the downloaded pack under SIMH.  And that image doesn’t boot on real 
HW, but works under SIMH.

I’ll post the CRC utility code up on my '11/45 project blog 
(http://fritzm.github.io/category/pdp-11.html) when I do a write-up later 
tonight, in case anybody else is interested in it.

So, I’m left with something probably odd with my HW tripping up RSTS but not 
being caught by MAINDECs :-(  I think I’ll switch gears for a bit and work on 
the USB FIFO to DR11-C hack, since that will help make further experimentation 
much faster in general.


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