Very nice book scanner!There is  probably a  second  career    out there  for  
you if  you  chose to  make them!Ed#
In a message dated 1/1/2019 11:01:31 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
On Tue, 1 Jan 2019, Guy Dunphy via cctalk wrote:

> This may be a good place to mention a text I began writing some while ago:
> On Scanning.
> Meant to be a 'how to' about scanning and post-processing techniques, written 
> as I
> explored that myself. It's not finished because I was working on a solution 
> to the
> 'screened images with overlaid sharp text' post-processing problem, when 
> sidetracked.
> As often happens with me. Also that project diverged into the whole text 
> encoding
> thing. Which I can't discuss, but I *can* discuss scanning issues.
> Anyway, any comments, corrections and suggestions for extra material are 
> welcome.
Here's a video on a diy book scanner I built in order to scan all the 
Crescent Software documentation I got.  Seems relevant to this. :)

(Crescent Software archive is here:


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