I used the libtiff-tools (Debian 8.x - 32 Bit) to extract all 61 .TIF's from the Multipage .tif file. While the .tif's look descent, and RasterVect shows the .tif properties to be Group 4 Fax (1bpp) with 5100 x 6600 pixels - 300 DPI, I can't get tesseract 3.x, TextBridge Classic 2.0, or Irfanview with KADMOS Plugin to OCR any of the .tif files, with descent results. I'd expect an OCR of 85 to 90 % correct conversion to ASCII text.
Typically, one of the three above Software packages will do a descent job of OCRing .tif's of such scans. (Most PDF's end up at 72 x 72 DPI, and converting them to 300 DPI, allows them to be properly OCR'd.) If anyone else has had better luck, I'd like to know what your process is. Thanks. Larry