Maybe too easy but have you asked the seller if they know anything about it's 
origins? I'd also guess maybe an employee or it could just be one of the 6 
motherboard types as someone else commented. Pretty awesome though with the low 
serial. Thanks also for the blog. I had no idea about the different designs and 

I'm curious which one I have now. 

Sent from my Apple /////c

> On Dec 29, 2018, at 2:53 PM, Brad H via cctalk <> wrote:
> Am just posting this as I am hoping someone out there knows someone who was
> involved with Osborne back in the day to find out more this Osborne 1
> motherboard I found in a low serial O1 I picked up for $100.
> I reached out to Lee Felsenstein on it and he suggested it was related to
> the boards produced for the 10 prototypes Osborne built, or a derivative of
> them.  He couldn't say for sure how it ended up in mine.  But I was hoping
> if anyone knows any Osborne experts that might help me on this - it is not
> currently working and I'm hoping to find schematics, etc to get it going
> again.  Obviously with the radical differences in layout, the schematics for
> the production motherboard isn't terribly helpful.
> I've posted a blog about it here with a picture of the board for those
> curious:
> Brad

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