Nice  ps2  sash..   We  have  some  examples here but there are  things in 
these photos  I have  never seen!
One  thing we  have  I  am curious   about is a  large   oversize  IBM monitor 
monochrome  grey  screen ...
I wonder  what it  was  used  for...  aside  for a bigger  word processing 
In a message dated 12/19/2018 10:45:01 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> The PS/2 collectors ... any internet foras for them ?

I know one, he hangs out on Vogons.

Here's him talking about a haul of PS/2 stuff he got from me when I 
moved across country.

> I do have PS/2 55Sx (which i do intend to run aix and os/2 on.)

"wall" for for interest in AIX.

> Which version of NT is current with an HP Netserver LCII ?

I'd have to look it up. I'd guess either 3.5 or 4.0. (Given that that 
covers most almost all of NT (by name)....)

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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