On Wed, 19 Dec 2018, Liam Proven via cctalk wrote:

So yes, there is a little bit of demand, I reckon. Not highly
commercial, though.

There's enough of a market to support folks building replicas of the Adlib sound card. I've seen evidence of a Sound Blaster 1.0 replica - I think they called it the "Snood Bloober 1.0". (I was right, here's a pic of it, with a bonus Windows 95 memorial decal in the background: https://twitter.com/foone/status/1056716740191604737?lang=en )

There's also Jonathan's XT-IDE card for adding "modern" mass storage to PC/XT class machines.

If you dig into it, there's a little cottage industry for these little life-extending upgrades for old machines. It's kind of like the computer industry making a full circle - people started companies building add-ons in their kitchens in the 70's and 80's and now it's coming back to that way again.


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