Ladies and gentlemen,

I have immediate access to four Alphaservers, an RA8000 raid server,
and the associated fibre switches in need of a new home.

There three servers that were running Tru64 Unix 5 when shut down a week
ago, they are a DS15, and two ES45s.  There is also a third ES45 which
has not run in a decade and was kept around as a cold spare.

None of the RA8000 disk will be available because the present owner is
protecting his data (of course) but all of the unused spare disks are
available and they will fit the internal slots in the DS15 and ES45s
which may or may not have disks depending on the whim of the present owner.

Lots of paper docs and Tru64 OS installation kits but no licenses.

They can be had for free but shipping will most assuridly not be free.

  Richard Loken VE6BSV            : "...underneath those tuques we wear,
  Athabasca, Alberta Canada       : our heads are naked!"
  ** **         :    - Arthur Black

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