Sheesh!! Well what a response. This stems from my (so far) successful major over haul of my PDP-8/e. I found one failed 7474 and one failed 8881 – replaced and now working. I think I have the rim loader toggled in and will attempt to send a paper tape image from Hyperterm Strangely I do have at least three genuine complete 4k memory sets.
The eightstoration will continue. However I began to think would it be possible to create a close copy of an 8/e out of modern parts. As you all know I make front panels so that’s not a problem. I did manage to copy my (distorted) bezel in resin. A friend has been able to 3D print toggle switch leavers that fit and work. Vince Sylngstat has done a console board PCB layout. Power supply clearly not a problem. So what’s left? Case? Well I have one of those and I suspect a sheet metal shop would not have a problem Finally the big one – Omnibus and the connectors its made from. A 3D printing candidate? I’m going to autopsy a busted connector and see how they are constructed inside. Objectives The basic board set as original. M8300, M8310, M8320 etc. Same form factor Plug compatible – but board contents can differ from original The idea is replace one item at time until you no longer have any DEC parts. Yup a FAKE-8 I may even need a label “No part in this PDP-8/e computer was manufactured by digital equipment corporation” Rod Smallwood digital equipment corporation 1975-1985 Sent from Mail for Windows 10