On 11/12/2018 08:34 AM, Ethan via cctalk wrote:

Some people are satisfied with the handheld vacuum desoldering irons, like the Hakko 808 (now replaced by Hakko FR-301). They're OK for some small

I love my 808. Have used it heavily to re-cap arcade monitor chassis (15+) and all kinds of other circuit boards. Of course it doesn't work well when the component lead is super tight to the plate through hole, but that is an issue for wick as well.

Friend swears by Pace stations.

Yes, I have 2 Pace desoldering stations. One at work has an internal vacuum pump, the one at home has a venturi system that requires an air compressor. But, they REALLY pull all the solder out of the hole, and when the last pin is cleared, the part just FALLS off the board.


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