On Oct 30, 2018, at 6:48 AM, Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez via cctalk 
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> So, what is this i960-based card for?  Could it be related to what you say in 
> your post?
> https://imgur.com/NIvQPBv <https://imgur.com/NIvQPBv>
> https://imgur.com/hsF0jO2 <https://imgur.com/hsF0jO2>
> https://imgur.com/7f6sxDj <https://imgur.com/7f6sxDj>
> https://imgur.com/w96cLhT <https://imgur.com/w96cLhT>
Just from the wording on the label it seems like some sort of telecom card, but 
it could also be a development board for the software that would run on telecom 

  -- Chris

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