On 10/23/2018 6:02 AM, Peter Corlett via cctalk wrote:

I have a 15" 2880 by 1800 display on my laptop, which has a pretty good PDF
reader which will show two pages side-by-side. The resolution is high enough
that it's as good as reading off paper, albeit scaled down to about 70% because
the screen is physically smaller than A4.

I use the old TV format low res 800x600 windows for windows
because I can't read TINY STUFF.

Plug my laptop into a nice HiDPI monitor -- or indeed any good-enough laptop
into one of those cheap 4K monitors which use scummy UHD TV panels -- and PDFs
become gloriously large and crisp. Go on, find €300 or so and treat yourself to
a new display.

I love music so all my money is spent nice flat ELECTROSTATIC speakers and VALVE amps, and NEW VINYL.

Modern computers are just to play with on the web and read mail and
download DR WHO.


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