On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 9:13 AM, John Foust via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote: > At 09:58 AM 9/3/2018, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote: >>Ethan had asked me years ago to make copies of the software for this machine. >>It is pretty obscure, one full page add in Byte, and it sank without a trace.
> Jon Auringer (of Madison, WI) mentioned having one of these on this list in > 2004. I got my unit directly from Jon when i was on a work trip to Madison but he didn't have any floppies for it then. Now, thanks to Al, I can burn some floppies and do more than interact with the ROMs. It's basically a generic 6502 with 64K of DRAM, 1-2 floppies (mine has 2) and as Al mentioned, an oddball sync-serial disk interface and boots up to an OS that favors p-System PASCAL apps. Definitely obscure. -ethan