On 2018-08-18 5:30 AM, Dave Wade via cctalk wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: cctalk <cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org> On Behalf Of Liam Proven via
>> cctalk
>> Sent: 18 August 2018 09:15
>> To: Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
>> Subject: Interesting blog post on Zuse
>> Konrad Zuse, Alan Turing, and the World’s First Computer Startup POSTED
>> <http://www.nathanzeldes.com/blog/category/startups/>
>> http://www.nathanzeldes.com/blog/2013/10/konrad-zuse-alan-turing-
>> worlds-first-computer-startup/
> It’s a common thing. Folks want Turing to be involved in all computers, but 
> in fact even the ACE which he designed wasn't completed until he left the 
> National Physical Laboratory....
> ... but the design was still significantly faster than other computers of the 
> time, and by the time he died he was working on the mathematics of biology 
> and morphogenesis using, using not designing computers, and complaining he 
> couldn't get enough time on the Manchester Mk1. He was really interested in 
> computers as learning and intelligent devices. He insisted the Manchester Mk1 
> could generate random numbers. I wonder what he would have made of the self 
> driving car....

Given his reputed intelligence I'd expect him to ask, "*what* self
driving car?"

> Dave
>> --
>> Sent from my smartphone. Please pardon brevity & typos.

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