> On Jul 25, 2018, at 4:56 PM, Alexander Schreiber via cctalk 
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
>> Are there such things as "microSD" to "standard SD" adapters that allows
>> for insertion of standard SD into mcroSD slots?
> Of course there are. Since both SD cards and µSD cards have identical
> electrical and protocol interfaces, those adapters are just passive pieces
> of plastic and wires. In fact, a lot of µSD cards sold these days come
> packaged with a µSD to SD card adapter.

While it is true that the “SD” cards I’ve bought recently have actually been 
µSD cards with an adaptor so they can also fit into SD slots, it didn’t sound 
like that was what Chuck was asking. 

I have not seen an adaptor which will plug into a µSD slot and then allow me to 
plug my (visible-size) SD card into the adaptor.  I do totally agree that both 
the adaptor and the medium would be big enough to see in that case and that 
would be a good thing! However I have seen applications for a µSD card that 
would not mechanically work with the adaptor in question, due to packaging 
constraints, so I would not expect that adaptor (if it exists) to be a common 
                                                - Mark

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