what about DVD-RAM?
are they good about data-reliability?

- SCSI DVD-RAM reader/writer, say about 180-240 euro, brand new
- DVD-RAM cartridge (disk + caddy), say about 20 euro per 5 disks, brand new

how long does a DVD-RAM last?

4.5Gbyte per disk is ok for me, I need to archive my source code

2018-07-23 21:57 GMT+02:00 TeoZ via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>:
> What kind of media is it DVD+R or DVD-R?  I think DVD-R (Pioneer) came first
> and all the original DVD burners support it and it is the most reliable if
> you are making movies for older DVD players. DVD+R is a Sony and Phillips
> design and the recording format is different.
> The last generation of DVD recorders is +/- but anything IDE would probably
> be DVD-R only and might have issues reading + disks.
> -----Original Message----- From: Ali via cctalk
> Sent: Monday, July 23, 2018 2:55 PM
> To: 'Fred Cisin' ; 'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'
> Subject: RE: how good is the data reliability with CD ROM and DVD RAM?
>> Does anybody here have experience with "M-Disc"?
>> It is available up to 100GB BDXL!
>> Drives start at less than $100; media is prices vary - the 100GB starts
>> at
>> about $20 each, but the low capacity versions are bordering on
>> competitive.
> Fred,
> I have used M-Disc to archive photos and digital media. So far so good.
> Problem is you need an M-Disc drive to read it for sure - what does that
> mean? Well the disc is supposed to be compatible across all DVD readers BUT
> I have found my older Lite-On IDE drives, which were considered very good
> back in the day, have had problems reading the DVDs. So your mileage may
> vary...
> Also of note the original company has gone bankrupt and their assets bought
> out. The new owners are continuing to produce M-Disc media.
> -Ali
> ---
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