On the Lisa "Twiggy" diskettes, they made special provision to get more
thumb prints.
On Mon, 16 Jul 2018, Eric Smith wrote:
I imagine you're aware of the actual reason for the two diametrically
opposing jacket cutouts for the read/write heads.
I'm NOT sure. I speculate:
1) for users who put it in the wrong way. In which case, they should have
had FOUR cutouts, AND a reversing motor and/or full track read and
extraction to include upside down. (there are EIGHT ways that a 5.25 will
fit into the drive).
(cf. reasons for SINGLE button on Apple mouse)
2) To have two sets of heads. Either performance, or simply two single
sided heads, to have felt pad instead of head to head pressure
I am reminded of an episode of "Computer Bowl" (TV game show). Nobody on
Bill Gates' team could answer WHERE the write protect notch is on an 8
inch diskette!