Summer is almost here and that means it's time to get it in gear and
start planning our next Vintage Computer Festival Midwest.  Astute
readers will note that this announcement comes many weeks later than
in past years, but rest assured there is still plenty of time
remaining to make your travel plans, reserve a table or get yourself
into the mood for a full weekend of classic computing fun.  Here are
the necessaries:

What: The Thirteenth Vintage Computer Festival Midwest
When: September 15-16, 2018   (note that that's one weekend later than
the usual dates!)
Where: The Holiday Inn Elk Grove Village, Elk Grove Village, Illinois
- about 30 minutes west of Chicago with a free shuttle bus from ORD!

More info for the uninitiated and VCFMW veterans alike:

- We do not charge admission.  Thus, we are a community-supported
show, so we humbly beg your kind donations, which can be made via two
different links at, or at the show.
- Always an entertaining spectacle, there will once again be an
auction!  This is the other way we fund the show, so your donation of
old computers (or anything even marginally related) is greatly
appreciated.  If it's a little too nice to put in the Free Pile,
please consider donating it as an auction item.
- Typical show hours are 9am Saturday 'til late night, and then
9am-4pm on Sunday (clean-up begins around 3pm).  Early load-in is
usually available on Friday afternoon, hours at the hotel's
- The show really begins on Friday night, at least for exhibitors.  We
typically go for an informal group dinner and return to the hotel to
complete setup.  Don't worry if you're getting into town late, you can
still set up Friday night (until 11pm or so).  If you're arriving
Saturday morning, your table will still be reserved.
- Tables fill up quickly!  If you'd like to exhibit, please fill out
the table reservation form at If the
form is closed, it's because the buffer filled up and we're still
processing requests.  We don't want to reserve space we don't have!
- Hotel rooms at the Holiday Inn are available at the group rate of
$92/night via the link at, or by calling the hotel at the
number listed on our site.  If the online room block is full, please
try calling the hotel directly.
- There is an on-site restaurant in the hotel that serves breakfast
through dinner and a bar that is open late-ish.  Consensus seems to be
that they have good food and not having to leave the hotel to eat is a
big plus.

Feel free to forward this email or post its contents to your favorite
forum.  We'll see you in September!



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