I have two rare desktop telephones taking up space in my basement. I know I never will play with or display them.
- Pingtel Xpressa PX-1. An early IP telephone - ATT 8130 "Computer Phone". It has an RS-232 port in the back for bi-directional comms. I reverse engineered the protocol when I used this in 1996. Crappy software available on request. I may even be able to dig up the code Larry Wall sent me (Perl, of course) from the same era. Photos here: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMJ-iCRhnHmiL9PoswsyJ2fiNTMK5Lw1xf 5TgpYr6UAo6ktLFAe6yEds5XvCIDoCg?key=WldvcDZnNEFlMmNza25ZLUdsN205R24zcFV2MHNR Local pickup on Long Island or Manhattan, NY. I will mail it to you if you pay the shipping via paypal or google pay. I will weigh it and calculate the shipping if there is interest, but I am not going to bother unless someone is interested.