On Tue, 22 May 2018, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
so I use Thunderbird on a Linux platform. It is awfully slow. Sometimes it
takes 5 minutes to download 3 messages when I start it up.
At home I use Thunderbird with standard Linux smtp and pop servers and it
works fine.
Apologies to hijack this one (I can't tell you how impressed I am with
both the CHM's efforts and Qualcomm's release, I find these things really
exciting for our hobby) - but I've been having real troubles with TBird in
the last few years and my obstinacy has been holding me back.
I run Thunderbird on a 2016 MacBoook Pro (Sierra 10.12.6, 2.6GHz i7, 16GB
RAM, internal SSD) where I'm pulling via IMAP from Google (their
professional company service thingy), but maintain a local 24GB cache of
It's slower than molasses in january. Moving eMail around between
'folders' often has it sit and spin the beachball for 2-3 seconds - dozens
of times a day. And I just can't work out why - I mean, yes, it's a lot of
ruddy eMail, but it's a monster of a laptop and it should be
pulling/moving on the SSD when it's getting stuck before it's even tried
to send the move message to google.
I _detest_ the gmail interface, I'd really prefer to continue using a
client like this - but TBird just isn't getting any better.
What am I missing here? Are there better options? Is Thunderbird just not
designed for large mail sets for people who actually work for a living?
Responses should probably be sent to me directly. And my thanks in advance
for your opinions, my curmudgeonly behaviour is really eating up my time
and I'm hoping there's a reasonable fix beyond "Suck it up and use gmail".
- JP