Marc - Enjoy! I have the one (we built up from blank ) we had a stack and would add our on buss and flag chips and parts) with all the added voice synth stuff.. I do not think I will be attempting to build anything to add on to an hp-1000 or a 2100 in the new future. Enjoy it! I wish we had saved some of the left over blank ones we had though when I retired. you would have been welcomed to 9 of them. In a message dated 5/20/2018 12:20:39 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: I got it! Thanks Al, I had been looking for one of these for a while, but the few ones that were available were at ridiculous prices. I wanted it mostly so I can reverse engineer it and make more of them, and/or get some inspiration for an FPGA based I/O board.
Marc From: cctalk <> on behalf of "" <> Reply-To: Al Kossow <>, "" <> Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 4:51 PM To: "" <> Subject: HP 2100 prototyping card obviously NOT used..