2018-05-16 13:08 GMT+02:00 Noel Chiappa via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>:

>     > From: Josh Dersch
>     > the TU56 lacks the G888 flip-chips necessary to work with the TD8E; I
>     > know these parts are in short supply, but in the unlikely event that
>     > anyone has (a) a set of 5 G888 boards,
> I have this memory that someone in Scandanavia is well along with the
> process
> of creating new G888's. (If I should not have let that cat out of the bag,
> my apologies.)

I can jump in here since I have been  a bit involved in this. Anders (
http://www.pdp-9.net/) designed a modern replacement for the G888. I tested
it in my TC11 + TU56 and it mostly worked fine, except for in the far end
of the tape where it performed worse than an original G888. It worked fine
for booting RT-11 and XXDP but when you run the TC11 diagnostics it will
give some errors while the original is error free.

Anders is in the process of  setting up a TU56 together with a TD8E right
now to continue with this work to design a new card.

I think all this is quite official since Anders has posted this thread on


>         Noel

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