On Wed, 2 May 2018 18:56:42 +0000 (UTC)
Jerry Wright via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> I have a later TI 990/12 system with a dead power supply. Looking
> drawings or schematics andI believe there in the hardware reference
> manual.  The one manual on bitsavers  under 990/10shows a older type
> of power supply.  Mine is basically  all on 1 board.  The chassis is
> a 990 A13 
> Thanks, Jerry

I have a 990 hardware manual here that I haven't scanned in yet. It's
in storage right now, I don't have a scanner set up at the moment, and
I can't remember off-hand whether it has /12 schematics, but it's
monstrous and has lots of schematic foldouts. I'll see if I can find it
this weekend and let you know about the latter. I would think, though,
that the PSU is covered. The A13 chassis was used in other 990's. I
have a /10 setup in one. Been decades since it was powered up, though. 


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