I bid on something, 1 hour later I got this:


Due to eBay reporting the highest bidder as a spammer this item is now
available at your last bid price of xxxxx. If you would like to purchase it
please arrange payment and collection. If you're not interested I would
appreciate a quick message as there is another person who is interested if
the item is still available. For security, please keep all communication
through the eBay message system.


And then an hour or so later I got:


Hi (Again) eBay playing strange games removing item after sending second
chance offer!! I've been advised by eBay to re-send this as they removed the
item because I didn't cancel the transaction from the original suspicious
buyer that they had already cancelled the bids from and sent a MC067 notice.
Can you believe it??? So sorry for the duplication, but this is a genuine
second chance offer. If you are interested (or not), please let me know
either way as I have another person interested, but thought it only fair to
give you first refusal.


Feedback is 100% on 56 items.


I am not good at understanding all the possible scams, and I know others
here are.





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