Yup, that's the one.

I asked him if he had the other disk (part 1 & 2) as well, and he'll
have a look. Apparently the disk was in a stack of LP's he bought on
a fleamarket, and I guess he may somewhat know the seller of those

Ik email, dus ik besta.

On Sun, April 1, 2018 00:57, John Foust via cctalk wrote:
> At 07:46 AM 3/31/2018, E. Groenenberg via cctalk wrote:
>>Today I received a PDP-11 instruction video on a laser disk, part 3 & 4.
>>The disk partno. is EY-5537E-V2-0001, the title says
>>'Introduction to the PDP-11, Internal use Only, (c) 1988'
> This one?
> https://www.marktplaats.nl/a/cd-s-en-dvd-s/vinyl-overige/m1261283993-laser-videodisc-introduction-to-the-pdp-11.html?c=3c1f5dcc18d02a99040ca8de656940d2&previousPage=lr
> I have LD player, digitizer, and abilities.  Midwest USA.
> IVIS was a DEC Pro 350 system for interactive learning:
> https://books.google.com/books?id=wi8EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&dq=%22digital+equipment%22+%22ivis%22&source=bl&ots=k9_3BUKTrJ&sig=lHcIslE5v9hWZ8YxAoWWFxaYnao&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiGwpaj1JfaAhUl74MKHcwVAfEQ6AEIOzAC#v=onepage&q=%22digital%20equipment%22%20%22ivis%22&f=false
> - John

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