On Tue, 20 Mar 2018 12:50:12 +0100
Mattis Lind via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> So I have imaged the three disks I found using ImageDisk:
> http://storage.datormuseum.se/u/96935524/Datormusuem/TEXAS.zip
> Then I scanned one of the manuals. UCSD Pascal :
> http://storage.datormuseum.se/u/96935524/Datormusuem/UCSD-Pascal.pdf
> The problem is that manual has text in red/brown and black. I scanned
> it in colour. However the actual colour of the scan varies a bit
> between pages. (Maybe because there are two sensors, one for top side
> and one for bottom side.)
> And the scan get very big.
> Is there a way to create filter this pdf to use three colours and
> possibly compress it better? What is the best way to deal with scans
> of documents with coloured text. I know many DEC manuals that has
> coloured text as well.
> /Mattis

I use Acrobat Professional to both scan, OCR and optimize PDF's. It
works very well. I do this for many vintage manuals that had been
previously scanned that I've downloaded that have not been OCRed or
optimized. BTW: OCR works best when the manuals are scanned for color
or grey scale at 600bpi or better.

73      AF6WS
Bickley Consulting West Inc.

"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero"

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