Hello all, . . . . For those of you who having not been following my trials and tribulations with a 16700A in another topic here is a partial update. I received this LA from a benefactor who has stepped forward. A real big thanks to him. I have run into that incompatibility problem with External CD-ROM Drives. . . . . I am disabled and partially housebound. I am living on SSD so money is very tight for me. I am looking for a CD-ROM Drive for little or nothing that is compatible with the 16700A I have an NEC 3x Drive that uses the CD Carriers. Remember those. I have installed this and a Maxtor 245MB SCSI drive in an External SCSI box. The Termination on the CD-ROM Drive is turned off and I removed the Termination resistors on the HDD. I have a Terminator installed on the end of the SCSI bus on the External Case. Could someone please help me out? Any and all help is greatly appreciated. GOD Bless and Thanks, rich!
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