In my  case  lady  worked at a  warehouse and had  her  people  palate and 
strap the  3 ttys!  saved $$   Pack mail is  great though  to  pack stuff if no 
other free reliable  option is there.   We have  to  ship a  large  group of  
computer front panels  across  country  and  they handled it   really  well. 
Pack Mail  ships alot of  stuff  form many auction places too.
In a message dated 2/27/2018 11:23:20 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

 On 02/27/2018 09:29 AM, dwight via cctalk wrote:
> I had a computer item palletized and shipped by Air Freight ( it went
> by surface ). An open pallet will not have things intentionally
> stacked on it. It is possible to have something dropped on it or a
> forklift tine rammed through it but that is another issue.
> In my case, it worked out well but they did not deliver to my door (
> I have no loading dock ). I had to go and pick it up at their
> distribution center ( about a 25 mile drive ).

In my case, I simply used the local packaging franchise, Pak Mail.
Since they routinely load pallets, they didn't mind receiving one. Cost
me all of $5 for a warehouse fee--and they even helped load it into my

When I got it home, that's where the neighbor and six-pack came in handy.


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