Living in the dockless zone....
Generally if they  deliver  to   your non dock  with a  lift gate truck the  
price of delivery does up  $40  to $100 .... A  while  back recently has  3  
tabletop  model 14 ... 5 level teletype  western union teletype  tape keyboard 
print on tape machines  shipped in strapped  to  palate  ...  2 for  an 
upcoming  display  on how the deaf  re purposed  teletypes to  their  network ( 
always looking  for ANYTHING  ELSE ON THIS  TOPIC) and  one to go in the tools 
of the journalist  display  over at the university.
The nice  people at the freight  place helped us  load them in one of our  
no  extra  charge and  they are  strong!
reminder... always  carry  plastic  sheeting in case things have  grease and 
oil... and  be  sure to have blankets  and cardboard sheeting to prevent 
scratching inside  vehicle.
In a message dated 2/27/2018 10:29:45 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
 I had a computer item palletized and shipped by Air Freight ( it went by 
surface ). An open pallet will not have things intentionally stacked on it. It 
is possible to have something dropped on it or a forklift tine rammed through 
it but that is another issue.

In my case, it worked out well but they did not deliver to my door ( I have no 
loading dock ). I had to go and pick it up at their distribution center ( about 
a 25 mile drive ).


From: cctalk <> on behalf of Cory Heisterkamp via 
cctalk <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 5:53:19 AM
To: Kyle Owen; General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: Shipping a Flexowriter

If you can guarantee nothing will end up placed on top, it should be fine
strapped to a pallet. One thought would be to remove the feet and use the
bolt holes to attach it to a square of plywood, then screw that to the
pallet. Cinching a strap down over the top of it would probably not end
well. Next I'd wrap the thing in lots of cling wrap in every direction:
Keeps the carriage from moving, the cover from popping off, and should
prevent the loss of any loose keycaps. If it still has the paper roll
holder on the back, this should help keep it in place. Feet can be bagged
and put in the type basket.

I had a 90 pound microwave shipped to me once via FedEx Freight on a
quarter? size pallet. A little googling, it looks like the US "beverage"
pallet is 36x36. Might be a good size for this.

Depending on the circumstances, a 'gentler' door to door private party
carrier could be a good alternative (at roughly the same cost). -C

On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 7:39 AM, Kyle Owen via cctalk <
> wrote:

> Does anyone have any tips on preparing a Flexowriter for shipping? Any
> thoughts as to crate vs. pallet?
> Thanks,
> Kyle

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