It make me laugh and cry when I see on craigslist "Antique Computer" and it
is a C 64

On Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 7:46 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk <> wrote:

> It could be argued that the industry was already going before that.
> How many remember
> Thinker Toys
> Kentucky Fried Computers
> Intergalactic Digital research
> When the industry lost its sense of humor,
> it was the beginning of the end.
> THAT was the beginning of the end of "vintage".
> Now, of course, the principals are embarrassed, and deny that there was a
> culture clash between DRI and IBM, that the FIRST prototype of a 5.25" disk
> was a bar napkin, etc.
> I have in front of me, a 1983 copy of "InvisiCalc"
> Why ask "What if. . .?"
> When you can ask "Who cares?"
> The software is for ANY computer with 5.25" drive,
> disunirregardless of disk format!

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