> From: Terry Stewart > http://www.classic-computers.org.nz/blog/2018-02-05-USB-in-MS-DOS-and-Win98.htm
> Hopefully the article will be useful to others who might want to do > this. Hi, can I appeal to you (and everyone else who writes up these kinds of notes) to put this stuff on the Computer History wiki? When things like this get placed in the CCTalk archives (for which there is no search system other than Google), or on people's personal sites (ditto) - and I have in the past BTDT for both of these, myself - it's probably going to be hard to find them amidst all the other dross that a Google search typically produces, a couple of years down the road. With the CHWiki, we stand a chance of filtering out the useful information and making available, and _organizing_ all this stuff so that it's possible to find relevant information when it's needed... And no, I don't have time to upload all this stuff myself - I have too much other stuff I'm trying to work on! :-) So, please - let's get organized! Noel