> On Jan 27, 2018, at 1:47 PM, Steve Malikoff via cctalk > <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote: > > As I'd never be able to find a similar alignment pack, the heads in mine > would have to stay put for > cleaning. Thus I'm wondering whether it would be possible to place the drive > vertically so the heads > point down, and use one of those el-cheapo miniature jewellery ultrasonic > cleaners plentiful on eBay > to dip the heads into the isopropyl alcohol, in situ?
That's quite a clever idea! I would try it. Caveat is that I had a so-so experience with the cheaper ultrasonic cleaners - they just didn't have the oomph, which is why I finally invested in the big one with the heater. But it might work OK with enough time, and it can't possibly hurt. It would make for a great video! Marc