A fair amount of Apollo software doc can be found at:


I have other stuff that they probably don't have (yet),

I just fired off a note to Al Kossow, and I expect that QIC tape images
I have will end up on bitsavers.org/bits before too long.  Things like
Aegis SR 9.7, Domain/OS up to SR 10.4.1, Compilers, DPCE, NFS, Ethernet
card drivers, Omniback, and the like.

I also have the means to image 8" floppies of most any format (using my
Catweasel) though it has been a wee while since I have done so.


On 1/21/2018 7:59 PM, Kevin Parker via cctalk wrote:
> Definitely interested here Bill - I've got 3 Apollos from a rescue  - have 
> the machines and  all the token ring gear but no manuals
> or software - as yet have to fire them up but anything Aegis related is of 
> interest to me.
> Kevin Parker
> P: 0418 815 527
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Bill 
> Gunshannon via cctalk
> Sent: Monday, 22 January 2018 02:23
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
> Subject: Apollo Software
> Is there any interest or value in copies of SR7.0  "Aegis"
> or should I just scratch them and add them to my other 8"
> disks?  (Yes, I used to have an Apollo in my house!!  Made a great heater 
> during those long cold winters.)
> bill

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