On Thu, 4 Jan 2018, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
Funny,   I've been saying since the 1980s that it you have something
that's critical to your survival, keep it offline.
Until any of my PCs develop the ability to go to my storage cabinet and
fetch a DVD and load it into itself, I'm not sorried.

So, that Exabyte Tape/cartridge Silo might not be such a good idea.

I always wanted Keith Hensen's "Kubik"? CD changer. Big "carousel slide tray" full of 240?! CDs/DVDs, in a square box, with a drive in each corner. The drives were SCSI, and the load/unload/select control was RS232. The big square boxes could be stacked, for a larger collection, and there was a trivial mod to make the tray removable, so that the top box could be swapped with as many trays as you had shelf space for.

'course hard drives caught up, and I now have about a thousand DVDs in MP4s on a shirt pocket HDD. (including ALL of the Doctor Who's that were released on DVD, Red Dwarf 1 - XII, Dark Matter, Torchwood, Twilight Zone, Prisoner, Marx Brothers, Doc Martin, One Foot In The Grave, etc.) The DVD images (V .MP4) take over 5TB.

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