On 1 January 2018 at 20:55, Chuck Guzis via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> There probably aren't that many 120V versions of the Amstrad Joyce Word
> processor, but I've got one here.   I replaced the 3" CF floppy drive
> with a 720K 3.5" drive and modified some boot disks.
> The system now supports 3.5" double-sided media and is fully populated
> with 512K of DRAM and runs CP/M 3.0.
> Unit with keyboard only, free to good home; sorry but I don't have the
> printer.
> I need to get this thing out of the way; if it goes unclaimed by January
> 15, off it goes to NextStep recycling.

Not a request -- I'm in continental Europe and have 2 PCWs anyway, a
9512 & a 9512+. But I'm curious -- which model? The basic 8256?

Liam Proven • Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
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