For the upcoming VCFe in Zurich / Switzerland (18/19 Nov ) I repaired my TEK4052, which is now up and running ( no usable tapes yet...)
I took the opportunity to read all the programmable devices from the machine, you find these at They are release V5 for the ALU-(microcode), and release V5.1 for the MAS-(firmware) board. They do not use patch-pla's, I believe them to be the latest revision for the 4052. These are for the 4052, not the 4052A which is a different beast. (differnt IO and MAS board, different microcode and firmware ) As a reference, the romdump's at Al's site are for the 4052A, the romdumps at the Stuttgart museum site are the earlier release V4.x for the 4052 Take note : a 4052 does not boot without the tapedrive attached... I also dumped the contents of both 2716's onboard the diagnostic rom pack. ( also containg a 6810 ) I have (untested) spare boards if anyone in the neighboorhood wants to try some boardswapping... Jos