In days of old would use one with a 50 ft ribbon cable as a 'portable' console fro one of my hp 2000 systems I would just rag it around to wherever I was in the Computer Room. or into the front office west of the computer room as the back of the 2000 was against that wall. In those days seemed so amazing to do so! Ed# In a message dated 11/3/2017 10:57:23 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
Hey, TRS-80 M100 rocks! I've got several, and they all work perfectly to this day. Built by Kyocera, who isn't known for making junk.. The 30+ hr. battery life alone is enough to earn them a high rating, and they have a built-in terminal program. I've used them to control headless Linux boxes several times via serial port. I believe they do 9600 or possibly 19200.