The different is in the processor board. The 9836A/C are using a 68000 the 9836U uses a 68010 processor. -Rik Van: Curious Marc via cctalk Verstuurd: zondag 15 oktober 05:41 Onderwerp: Re: HP-UX 5.1 for the 9836U? Aan: Josh Dersch, General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts Josh, Sorry don't have it, but I didn't even know there was a 9836 that ran Unix, so I learned something again. Does it look like a regular 9836C or is it a different form factor? Marc On Oct 14, 2017, at 3:25 PM, Josh Dersch via cctalk wrote: Hi all -- Anyone have media for the 9836U version of HP-UX 5.1? The copy on ( only works on the 9000/310 and I haven't found much of anything anywhere else. Thanks as always, Josh