On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 2:39 PM, Ed via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> We have various  SW radios at  SMECC  but  I was  really  touched to get
> hold of a S-40B  like  I had   in my youth.  Now to put new power supply
> capacitors in it  and make  it  Fly.
> I imagine there are a number of  folks on list  that like  radios  too as
> before we were able to own computer to  do  electronics  with in  the times
> of  old  (50s &  60s)  we  ll played  with radios, got ham licenses,
> shortwave  listened, got CBs or had a pirate neighborhood radio station!
> Ed#
​During the 60s and early 70s, I really enjoyed shortwave listening. I'd
love to have one of the radios from my youth, most notably the Zenith
Transoceanic H500. It was circa 50s tube set with push-button band
selection and a circular dial. Solid as a rock, too. It was portable, and
received quite well with it's built-in telescoping antenna.

My radio hobby led me to electronics, which led to TTL digital logic, then
to computers. It was a smooth ride.​ Amateur Radio was part of the journey,
too, including packet radio.

- Earl (73 DE KB6JIV)

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