On 10/05/2017 11:18 AM, Tom Gardner via cctalk wrote:
> I suspect this might start another discussion, but as I understand it Apple 
> had little to do with the evolution of SASI into SCSI.
> Shugart Associates published SASI in 1981 and took it to ANSI in 1982 where 
> they renamed it SCSI to avoid using a vendors name.  

You could well be right--I do recall that there was "Mac SCSI" and then
the slightly different "Everyone else's SCSI".  I ran into this when
talking with some SMS/OMTI engineers about an ST506-to-SCSI bridge board
that I have.  Their reaction was "Oh, that's Mac SCSI--you want real SCSI".

What I found curious was the CDC manual that called SCSI "SASI subset".
To me that says that SASI was the more elaborate protocol and SCSI
initially picked and chose from it.

I do know that many SASI devices work as SCSI-1 devices.  Somewhere, I
still have an early PC ISA SASI (not SCSI) adapter for an Ampex
Megastore unit.

I'm also well-acquainted with what Andy Johnson-Laird called "SCSI
Voodoo" in trying to get several different SCSI devices to work off the
same SCSI-2 bus.


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