
On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
Unfortunately, I agree with Fred.  The stock IBM WD1003 controller ROM
did not have a format routine.   Other models of the WD1003 did,
however--you'll see that the controller is a WD1003-something and that
may shed some light on its capabilities.

Get SpeedStor  (SSTOR.EXE) and use it.
Once you do, you will never want to go back to the "Advanced Diagnostics" nor the BIOS routine.

Periodically run SPINRITE, if you have it.
Pre-IDE drives had reliability issues.
Use it to lock out blocks that test bad, but do NOT let it "return to service" blocks that pass, unless they are NOT on the manufacturer's list and have been reFORMATted since the time that they had previously failed.

Actually one of the most common complaints on the early ST506/412 drives was noise from the spindle wiper! There was a little springy piece of copper? that rubbed on the end of the spindle. Over time, it would wear a divot, polish that, and start to squeal. Do NOT just rip it off! ("that fixed the noise"); push it sideways very slightly, so that it can start to wear a NEW divot.

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