My last email about what to bring to VCFMW let me off the hook (so far) for a number of things. So time to try again :).

I've had some questions about what I want to unload. There is far too much stuff to even try to answer such a question. An easier way is to say what you are looking for, and I'll answer as best I can.

Examples of stuff off the top of my head that it would be fun to bring (but the volume is just too great.) All computers can be assumed to be untested although most did work when I first got them:

AT&T 3B2 w/original UNIX software/cables/two AT&T terminals
Commodore Pet, 2001-8, CBM, etc
HP 85B
HP 86B
HP150 (HP150-II???)
HP 82906A HPIB Printer
HP 82901M Dual 5.25" external floppy disk drive
Xerox 820-II w/docs, disks, dual external 8" drives
IBM PC w/16K-64K motherboard
IBM PC w/64K - 256K motherboard
IBM AT motherboard w/80287 math coprocessor
Macintosh SE w/original box, working
TRS-80 Model II working condition unknown
TRS-80 External 8" chassis, rough condition (especially the 8" drive)
Tektronix 1711 Two Axis Machine Control Unit w/docs, worked in the 70's
PDP 11/23 Chassis only (no cards) needs cleaning
SOROC IQ-??? not working (bad keytronic keyboard)
Vector Graphic Vector 3, not working, bad keyboard
Vector Graphic MZ
Heathkit H-89
Printer for IBM 5100 computer
Philips microcomputers
Wang microcomputers
A LOT of IBM manuals (maybe 500 or so) circa 360 era (Al has scanned a lot/most of them.) A LOT of Burroughs manuals, maybe 500 or so (again Al has scanned a lot of them.)
Original Zenith 100 manuals/software (maybe 10 or so)

The list above does not include all the Apple, TRS-80, Atari, Commodore, Compaq, IBM PC/XT/XT-286/XT/AT conmputer, S-100, etc. stuff I have. Not listed is also the small stuff that I'll be bringing to VCF anyway.

Prices are not included since I haven't researched most of them. So if interested, make a fair offer. I'm open to trades, especially Polymorphic stuff I don't already have, ditto for Lobo Drives, and a double sided scanner at least 600 dpi.

If you asked about something and I failed to respond, please ping me again.

Note: the TRS-80 model 6000 computer from the last listing is gone. And possibly/probably the PDP 11/05 (along with a couple of other things I had dups of, but still have one more of.)


Marvin, KE6HTS

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