For official bitsavers mirrors, rsyncd has been turned back on (it was off
while bitsavers was migrated to the new classiccmp server, and during
testing). If you host a bitsavers mirror and have any issues with rsync (you
will, if you were using the IP instead of the host name) please let me know


Websites hosted by the classiccmp server are being migrated one at a time
from the old server to the new server. For most of them, I can adjust DNS
(yes, the IP address of the classiccmp server is changing) so the change
will be transparent but for a few of them, I ask that the site owners be
ready and waiting to change DNS.


The disk space allocation for the free hosting vintage computer related
websites has been doubled, separately from the increase in disk space for
bitsavers. There is actually quite a backlog of people/organizations that
have requested free hosting for their vintage computer website and I have
had to put them all on hold for a long time due to shortage of disk space.
With this increase in disk space, I will be contacting each one soon and
saying "if you still want to proceed, I'm ready". If you wanted a free site
hosted and I do not contact you within the next 30 days, please reach out to
me again.


There has always been plenty of available space on our san, but the
classiccmp server has had some precarious issues preventing an easy increase
in space. I've rectified that by just spinning up a new VM and migrating
data. This also gets us on recent versions of freebsd, mailman,


As long promised. and if I find enough round-tuits, the list(s) will get
recombined into one list again. Not sure I have the motivation to tackle
that one, but we'll see.





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