> On Jul 21, 2017, at 2:30 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> On 07/21/2017 10:37 AM, Adrian Graham via cctalk wrote:
>> I have a Facit9911 2 11/16” (or 70mm in new money) microfloppy drive with a 
>> mahoosive interface module which google turns up precisely nothing about. 
>> I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned it here before but even a search of the 
>> archive turns up nothing.
>> See pic - http://www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk/facit9911MicroFloppy.jpg
> Even before flexible magnetic disks were used to record digital
> information, they found use in audio equipment.  E.g. the Telefunken DT-600:
> http://vintage-technics.ru/Eng-Telefunken_600.htm

Interesting.  Another example, slightly later, is the audio unit of the PLATO 
IV terminal (1974 or thereabouts).  It uses a rather large disk, perhaps 10 
inches diameter, brown oxide, no grooves.  It's a random access device, with 
128 tracks.  Each track has 32 sectors; a given audio clip can be up to 127 
sectors long (though I'm not sure what happens if it's more than 32 sectors -- 
does it switch tracks?  Seems unlikely).

The track seek is done with a binary encoded pneumatic cylinder assembly, 7 
cylinders -- low order stroke is one track pitch, next is 2 tracks, next is 4 
tracks, etc.  So the binary track number would select 7 air valves which would 
feed supplied "shop air" to one or the other side of each piston, moving the 
read/write head to the correct track.

These terminals also had a back-protection setup for the plasma panels (the 
"slide projector", actually more like a microfiche projector).  Same sort of 
setup, but with X and Y both done by binary weighted sets of 4 air cylinders 


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