I was contacted by an ex-ATT tech that was DEC-trained to maintain a bunch of dec hardware that ATT used at the time. His house became the storage facility for the spares, plus all the dec class documentation, schematics, etc. Since he was the repair facility, all the equipment/parts were working but haven't been touched in 30 years. Much of the docs were 11/70 related but he thinks he has schematics for a vax 780, and a plethora of handbooks.
An 11/34 (led panel), with full memory and floating point in an H960. It also has a number of DR11's and was used for remote data line maintenance. Includes two RL01 or RL02 drives and an RX01 or RX02. It was running Unix System III, which he still has on an RL disk plus a few spare discs. Also an 11/05 with RX01 in a roll around cart with a stripped down HP4010 terminal and likely a DR11. Area: Yorktown Heights, NY Contact me off-list if you are interested and I'll put you in touch with the owner. J