When I had my 11/34 (11/34, expansion chassis, RX01 and two RK05 drives) think 
I ran a 30a, 240v circuit for the power distribution box in the rack but it 
used way less when running. Maybe 10a max. 


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On Thursday, May 18, 2017, Adrian Stoness via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 

Allot of then can be run on a single 15 amp circuit with a some.other stuff
on it as well

On May 18, 2017 2:58 PM, "Ali via cctalk" <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> > As for power, if you have a wife and/or kids, a PDP-11's power
> > consumption is not even above the noise floor in your electric bill.
> > (Unless your trying to do it with RA disks!!)
> >
> > bill
> Out of curiosity how much power do these wee beasties consume?
> -Ali

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